Selections from Handel’s Messiah

At the invitation of Highfields Church, Roath, Cardiff, with whom we have a long relationship, the choir and members of the Cambrensis orchestra performed selections from Messiah there on Saturday 2nd April 2022 at 4.00pm and again at 7.30pm. We were joined by the Highfields Messiah Choir who had come together for this occasion and all under the direction of our MD, Jeff Howard.

This was an evangelistic guest event as part of the nationwide Passion for Life initiative and those attending were encouraged to ‘bring a friend’. Dave Gobbett, the Senior Pastor, introduced each performance with a short but informative and challenging talk.

Our soloists were all excellent and we so enjoyed singing this marvellous music alongside them. As ever, the profound Biblical words and Handel’s beautiful music spoke to and stirred not only the audience but also those of us taking part.

Tickets were free but donations on the door were in aid of Ukraine’s humanitarian crisis.

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